AQMS Leak detection
AQMS compressed air leak detection
Ants is leading the way with AQMS® in quickly solving compressed air leaks and making them manageable. This unique methodology proves itself time and again in practice. The sooner compressed air leaks are addressed, the greater the effect. AQMS® provides a clear overview so that the client can immediately view the status via the internet in a protected environment.
AQMS® ensures control over costs and savings and makes compressed air losses 'visible'. This keeps you in control and allows you to make appropriate adjustments. Leaks in compressed air installations (but also in other systems such as vacuum, nitrogen, argon and other gas installations) are detected and documented in the advanced Air Quality Management System (AQMS®) – ISO 11011(2013).

Payback time
The average payback time for a leakage survey, including repairs to the compressed air installation, is between 1 and 4 months. After this period, the savings will of course continue and because you have much less unnecessary energy loss, your electricity bill will be positively influenced. Less energy consumption also means less CO₂ emissions. Not only will your operating result be better, the environment will also benefit.
With the integral AQMS approach, not only the necessary repairs are tackled, but Ants and the client also retain insight and control over the status and progress of the repairs. You can view the current status wherever you have internet access.
Unique in the market: Ant's guarantee on compressed air savings
If the survey costs exceeding the expected compressed air savings, Ants will only charge the travel and accommodation costs.
For description and ordering – go to AQMS leak investigation, incl. reporting.